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Developed by Gundog Dummies this is a high quality blank firer. Constructed from durable materials and manufactured in England, it is the only blank firer made that does not look like a gun. Simple to use and reload the Single Shot MK2 will fire again and again without a miss-fire or mass detonation of blanks. Weighing only 115 grams its super-lite to carry all day, easy to conceal from the dog and small enough to attach to a lanyard - you'll never want to use a starting pistol again. Approved by BASC and fully reviewed by David Tomlinson in the Shooting Times. Click here to see the Single shot in action. Click on the image to see David Tomlinson's Shooting Times review in full. Or need a video of how the Single Shot works? Go to our video page or click here.

Single Shot MK2 priced at £80

Special Offer 1 - Single Shot and Box of .22 blanks £90

                        NOT available to Non-UK delivery

Special Offer 2- Single Shot, Box of blanks and .22 loader

                       £93=   NOT available to non UK delivery

The Single Shot Blank Firer

'The Single Shot appealed to me instantly. Made from stainless steel and plastic, it is light but nicely weighted so feels good in the hand. It is also tough but beautifully engineered, easily capable of surviving all the knocks and drops it is likely to receive in the field' - D. Tomlinson Shooting Times

''My advice is to throw away your starting pistol and get one of these instead – you won’t regret it.' David Tomlinson - Shooting Times

Single Shot, starting pistol, gundog, dog training equipment,Labrador, Spaniel, dog training, starting pistol, blank firer, 22 blank firer,

Now with added safety!

Spigot to make ensure safe distance of discharge and retaining chain to ensure you will never loose the barrel!

Labrador Spaniel Gundog training equipment

Shipping overseas...Please check your country's gun laws - DELIVERY OUTSIDE UK  We will not send Blanks. Ask your Firearms dept before using this training aid and all care and consideration should be taken as to where and whom it is used by and with regard to your own and public safety. Any modifications to the Single Shot may result in a change of the classification - in this case our warranty expires immediately.  If ordering blanks please contact us before purchase, as some destinations will not accept blanks.

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